Constellation Stage & Screen is committed to an inclusive approach to casting. Actors of all types and abilities are encouraged to submit for the role with which they identify. Constellation takes pride in hiring local (Bloomington/Indianapolis-area) artists, but there are occasionally opportunities for non-local guest artists.
The King’s Wife Audition Notice
Constellation Stage & Screen is seeking Equity and Non-Equity actors for The King’s Wife, book by Mêlisa Annis, music and lyrics by Jamie Floyd. Tamila Woodard, Director. Jared Stein, Musical Director. The King’s Wife takes us to a moment in time where the marriage bed would change the course of world history forever. We follow Queen Katherine of Aragon and her Ladies in Waiting as they navigate a world of systems designed to cage them. A revolutionary pop musical by two-time Grammy-nominated songwriter, Jamie Floyd, and award-winning playwright, Mêlisa Annis, this bold reimagining of history explores the enduring legacy of extraordinary women.
1st Rehearsal – May 13, 2025
Performances running June 5-29, at the Waldron Auditorium (150 seat black box theater)
Rehearsals will take place evenings and weekends. Weekly rate for local actors $400-$482 (AEA rate).
All auditions will take place via video submission and Zoom meetings. To submit, send a note of interest, photo, resume and link to website/reel (if available) to Kate Galvin, Casting Director ( by Monday 1/27. Please include the subject line “TKW Submission”.
Short descriptions are listed below. Full character descriptions with vocal references can be found here.
Constellation Stage & Screen is committed to an inclusive approach to casting. Actors of all types and abilities are encouraged to submit for the role with which they identify.
A note on Vocal Features: Seeking nontraditional musical theater, atypical voices. The show is informed by Rock/Pop and acoustic singer-songwriter genres. Music was created by a singer/songwriter and her guitar. Voices with distinct and unique characteristics are welcome.
QUEEN KATHERINE OF ARAGON – Female identified, 30-40’s, any ethnicity. Strong Belt. Mezzo/Alto. Katherine is fierce, confident, and full of swagger. Highly educated in the renaissance fashion-Art, Philosophy, Politics and very devout Catholic, she is also a devoted wife to Henry. They are both driven by a vision of a powerful and influential England. Katherine enjoys a false sense of equal partnership in her marriage and rule with Henry but when she can not produce a male heir Henry seeks an annulment, placing Katherine in exile but she doesn’t go down easy.
LADY ANNE BOLEYN/ENSEMBLE – Female identified, 20’s – early 30’s, any ethnicity. Mezzo/Belter. Anne is cultivated, ambitious, stylish and modern, also naive because of her youth. But she is not foolish. She comes to court to serve as one of Katherine’s ladies in waiting but soon Henry becomes obsessed with Anne and she successfully dodges his affection until her life is at stake.
LADY MARIA DE SALINAS – Female identified, 20’s – late 30’s, any ethnicity. Mezzo-Soprano. Maria De Salinas is Katherine’s best friend, oldest confidant and Lady in Waiting. She came to court with Katherine as a child. A little younger than Katherine, she is her constant companion. She operates as an advisor and wields significant influence in the name of the queen. Pragmatic, loyal, she tempers Katherine. She is the audiences’ eyes.
KING HENRY VIII – Male identified, 30’s-40’s, any ethnicity. Tenor or Bari/Tenor. Henry is Gorgeous. A bit frivolous. A bit of a playboy. A bit narcissistic. He loves Katherine, but when pressures mount for a male heir, his desire to secure his lineage without dispute, embitters him and their once loving relationship.
LADY HASTINGS/ENSEMBLE – Female identified, 30’s, any ethnicity. Mezzo/Alto with Rock/Pop Belt. She is one of Katherine’s main ladies in waiting and becomes Henry’s mistress. To her, it’s the best job on the planet and she’s happy to serve and reap the benefits of Henry’s attention.
JUDGE/ENSEMBLE – Male identified, 30’s-early 50’s, any ethnicity. Bari-tenor or Baritone. The Judge learns fast. He is self righteous, inventive, ambitious and opportunistic. He likes the game of politics very much. He is an amalgamation of the historic Thomas Cromwell and a few other ministers in Henry’s court.
CARDINAL/ENSEMBLE – Male identified, late 30’s-early 50’s, any ethnicity, Wide vocal range. The Cardinal – knows what’s up but won’t say. He is a real believer. He is loyal if not brave. Historic inspiration is Cardinal Wolsey. He represents the Church and tries to defend the status quo as much as he can.
PRINCESS MARY/ENSEMBLE – Female identified, plays Teens- 20’s, any ethnicity. Mezzo- Soprano. Mary is the King’s only living child, daughter of Katherine and presumptive heir to the throne. She begins as a moody teenager, failing at making friends in the French court but soon transforms into the life of the party. She is capable of the same fierceness and bite that her mother is famous for though still tender and vulnerable to the rejection of her father and his inability to see that she is capable of ruling England. Actor must be a strong mover.
LORD THOMAS/MALE ENSEMBLE Male identified, any age, any ethnicity. Wide vocal range. Plays various members of the court including Lord Thomas, the Judge’s Yes Man. Strong mover.
FEMALE ENSEMBLE Female identified, 20-30’s, any ethnicity. Wide vocal range. Plays various members of the court including one of Katherine’s Ladies in Waiting. Strong mover.
Polkadots: The Cool Kids Musical Audition Notice
Constellation Stage & Screen is seeking Local, non-union actors-puppeteers for our spring production of Polkadots: The Cool Kids Musical, by Douglas Lyons (2-time Emmy nominee), Melvin Tunstall III and Greg Borowsky. Co-Directed by John Tartaglia (Tony and Emmy nominee) and Melanie Lockyer. Constellation’s production will be the first to utilize puppets for all of the characters listed below.
1st Rehearsal – April 7th, 2025
Performances – April 25 – May 11, 2025
Waldron Auditorium (150 seat black box theater)
8-year-old Lily Polkadot just moved to the small, “Squares Only” town of Rockaway. As the first Polkadot in an all Square school, Lily faces an almost impossible task of gaining acceptance from her peers. Inspired by the events of The Little Rock 9, Polkadots serves as a colorful history lesson, reminding us that our individual differences are what make us cool.
Pay rate for local actors is $250/week. Rehearsals will take place evenings and weekends. There will be 6 student matinees at 10am on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the run, so all actors must have daytime availability for those performances.
Because our creative team hails from various locations, all auditions will take place via video submission and Zoom meetings. To submit, send a note of interest, photo, resume and link to website/reel (if available) to Kate Galvin, Casting Director ( by Monday 1/20. Actors with puppet experience are encouraged to highlight that on their resume and/or reel.
Available Roles:
All roles will be played by adults of any race/ethnicity. All gender expressions are welcomed and encouraged. Actors with tight harmonizing skills are a plus! Constellation Stage & Screen is committed to an inclusive approach to casting. Actors of all types and abilities are encouraged to submit for the role with which they identify.
LILY POLKADOT – Seeking an adult actor-puppeteer, ideally of color, to play an 8 year-old girl. Mezzo Soprano Belter with a Disney princess finesse. Lily’s skin is completely covered in polkadots. She is the sunlight amidst the storm. Smart, charming and strong willed. Lily has the task of being the first of her kind ever integrated into a school of all Squares.
SKY SQUARE – Seeking an adult actor-puppeteer to play an 8 year-old boy. Soulful/Rock Bari-Tenor up to Ab. Sky’s skin is completely covered in squares. He’s anxiously shy, friendly, quirky and curious. To avoid his older sister Penelope, video games illuminate Sky’s imagination. After meeting Lily Polkadot, he becomes secretly captivated.
PENELOPE SQUARE – Seeking an adult actor-puppeteer to play a 9 year-old girl. Comedic Mezzo Soprano Belter with soul. Penelope’s skin is completely covered in squares. She’s the “star to be” and a straight up bully. As Sky’s older sister, Penelope is bratty, loud and entitled. It’s her world and we’re lucky to live in it.
SQUARE/MAMA SQUARE – Seeking an adult actor-puppeteer to play two roles. Comedic Mezzo Soprano with soul. Mrs. Square is the 3rd grade teacher at Rockaway Elementary responsible for integrating Polkadots and Squares. She’s the disciplinarian- conflicted yet gentle and loving all in the same. Mama Square is a loud mouth, overbearing and stuck in her ways.
Please sign up for the mailing list below for future opportunities. Whenever we have a new audition opportunity, it will be posted here.