Pay What You Will • Constellation
Connecting audiences through world-class theater and film

Box Office

M-F 12 – 5pm
(812) 336-9300 Box Office
(812) 336-7110 Admin

General Inquiries

Pay What You Will

To keep live performance affordable and accessible to our community, we’re offering Pay What You Will Thursdays for all Mainstage shows at the Waldron and Constellation Playhouse and for select other performances! Book tickets for one of our Pay What You Will performances and you’ll get to choose your own ticket price (starting at just $5 or $10). See a full schedule below. 

Our Pay What You Will and Community Access Ticket programs are generously sponsored by Jessika and Bryan Hane.

Pay What You Will Performances:

Tickets will go on sale to the public on July 10, 2024. For early access and other exclusive benefits, become a Season Ticket Holder!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What IS Pay What You Will?
    • Pay What You Will is just what it sounds like: you get to choose the price of your ticket. Choose from our list of pricing options and select the price that works best for you.
  • When can I Pay What I Will?
    • Pay What You Will pricing is available on Thursday nights for Mainstage shows at the Constellation Playhouse and Waldron Arts Center, for all Sensory Friendly Performances, and for select additional preview performances. 
    • If you’re looking for an additional affordable option for our family-friendly series, see if you and your family are eligible for our Community Access Ticket program.
  • How can I book tickets? 
    • You can book tickets online or over the phone! Visit our events page to start booking tickets online or call the Constellation Box Office Monday-Friday 12pm-5pm at 812.336.9300.
  • Is there a fee when booking tickets?
    • Yes. Tickets can be purchased at a variety of rates, but all orders include a $2/ticket convenience fee and $1 – $2/ticket venue preservation fee. These fees allow Constellation to continue to offer high-quality customer service, as well as make necessary updates and improvements to its two primary venues: the historic John Waldron Arts Center and the Constellation Playhouse. 
  • So, how much should I pay?
    • This is entirely up to you! The average ticket price for professional live theater in Indiana is around $30, but do not feel obligated to pay this much. However, if you can afford more, please consider paying more to help us continue to deliver high quality programming to our audiences.


Phone Hours: M-F 12 - 5pm
(812) 336-9300 Box Office
(812) 336-7110 Admin
In-Person Hours: W-F 12-5pm
Waldron Arts Center (122 S Walnut St)


122 S Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47404
Physical Box Office Hours: W-F 12-5pm


411 E 7th St.
Bloomington, IN 47408


Buskirk Chumley Theater
114 E Kirkwood
Constellation Playhouse
107 W 9th St
Waldron Arts Center
122 S Walnut St

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